On-spot export and import goods include:
“Article 86. Customs procedures for on-the-spot export and import goods On-spot export and import goods include: a) Processed products; rented or borrowed machinery and equipment; surplus raw material...
Identify foreign traders with no presence in Vietnam
CV399_22072024BCT.docx According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the definition of “foreign traders without presence in Vietnam” specified in Article 3 of the Law on Foreign Trade M...
Lending interest rates of more than 20% per year can be considered usury
I lent money to relatives, with a handwritten commitment to repay on time. The borrower promises to pay 5% interest each month. Up to now, they have been late for a long time and I have never received...
All losses must be offseted before profits can be transferred abroad
According to this Circular, in case the financial statements of the year in which profits arise still have accumulated losses carried over from previous years that have not been fully offset, the inve...
Detect missing input invoices, how to declare?
The General Department of Taxation notes that in case an enterprise discovers that VAT invoices for purchased goods and services are omitted, they shall comply with the provisions at Point dd, Clause ...